Saturday, September 24, 2005

4am update:

Well if any of you have been keeping up. It's very quiet right now. At 3am or so, Hurricane Rita made landfall in Lousianna officialy. While that was going on, a great prank on some of our F&B employees was made. Tami our Night Auditor had finished her audit BEFORE Dallas and Denver, HA HA! What a trooper!
I've downed ALL the interfaces and the server down in the basement. Not much rain has fallen downtown, and the breezes have been light with small strong gusts down Texas Ave. I dont anticipate any flooding so I've decided to come up here for a 2 hour nap.
I've poured myself a small drink and sat here uploading more photos.
I've got to say... I've been through 4 hurricanes in a hotel and this is one of the hardest working crew I've seen in any of them. Most hotels I've been with had closed down and opened only to Media and law enforcement and employees. This is the first time i've had a hotel FULL of guests everything ran like clockwork during uncomfortable times...
It's almost over and more work is ahead... Now we have to get back to normal (lots of clean up) and get life back to normal.
Before I bore y'all to death I'm going to sign off now and get a 2 hour nap. I have a Network to bring up and get running in a few hours.
Thanks for keeping up with the events :)


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