Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday Morning: Rita is due today.

Well I woke up to my phone ringing. As I answered it, I took a look outside and saw clear blue sky's. As I looked at the TV that I had muted, Jim Cantori from the weather channel was broadcasting from right around the corner on Texas and Captitol street. I'll throw a pic I took from my window on here.
Last night at 6:30 pm we had a get together of all the Operations people at the hotel.
Our GM put together a nice spread of beef brisket, ham and all sorts of goodies for everyone to partake in. Needless to say, the booze was flowing :)
Today is the big day... As I write this, I see that the outer bands is about to hit Galveston within a few hours. I want to try to get home but my truck is on less than a quarter tank full. Obviously when I left on Sunday, I didn't realize it would be heading this way. And of course, i was running late, so I didn't stop for gas.
I'm thinking that that's enough to get me home and back, and if there is any gas available on the way, I'll stop.
Ok, i just got a call to run downstairs so I'll update this later.


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