Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane Rita Update

3 of us here in Denver are returning to Houston tomorrow morning.
we are catching the first flight out on Continental arriving at 9:30 or so.
I plan on running home and getting a few things. (not much, trust me, i just want to batten down the hatches as much as possible but not much I doubt I can do)
After returning to the hotel I'll start running backups, moving equipment out of the server room and bringing down the server at the last minute.
I'll take the server and backups out of the basement in case of flooding and if and when we evacuate, i'll throw them in the truck or something.
I'm goint to copy as much data up to the Dallas and or Denver locations so as to go operational as soon as possible.
it's 1 am here in Denver and I have to get like 2 hours sleep before hitting the road.
I'll keep you all updated as much as possible.


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