Wednesday, June 22, 2005

HITEC 2005

Day 2 of HITEC 2005:
We spent the morning in various forums regarding Hotel Technology. Yesterday it was an all day event of forums. I've learned a lot these last two days, and it's not over yet.
At noon the floor opened up for all the vendors to showcase their products. It's like a bunch of lemmings heading to the ocean, LOL. Yes, I was one of them.
There are rows and rows of PMS vendors, HSIA providers, and everyone else in between.
Besides walking around and looking for a company that has a "work order" solution, the highlight was meeting Amanda Beard and two hot Lakers Cheerleaders.
Later that night we all went to the reception at the Biltmore Hotel where I was accosted by a guy wanting to sell me a PMS for our Hotels. Some salesman are so damn pushy!
From there we went to the Lodgenet party on top of the Standard Hotel. GREAT party as usual. Poor Amanda Beard was being accosted by all the single and "Wishing they were single" guys. She's a trooper, but I did notice she was sort of self involved that night. I guess being a guest celeb is tough, as I could tell she was tired of it.
Next was the Synxsis party at another hotel. It was a "Casablanca" theme but we got there too late to get our pictures taken with a sexy camel or the belly dancers. However we did get some good food and I got to flirt with some cute Egyptian girls.
Well, I'm late for the showroom floor so I'll hopefully put up some good pics of day 3 tomorrow.


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