Saturday, September 24, 2005

Irony after Hurricane Rita

So around 11am I'm fast asleep. I get a call from Neal, our F&B manager... The Point of Sale system is down. "How can that be?" I think as I rub the crusty's out of my eyes.
I've been asleep for about 5 hours although it felt like 5 minutes.
I throw on the same funky clothes I wore all day yesterday and head downstairs.
As I walk into the server room in the basement, I see that half of the machines are powered off. The hum that is normaly permeating the room is cut in half.
Yelling a few un-publishable words, I procede to power everything up again.
Turns out "someone" came downstairs to fix thier credit card problems and decided to hit the power button on the switch that shuts down power to half the server rack.
Way to go kids!!!
I came down here to secure our network from a power outage, flooding, etc and someone stupidly shuts down the power to half the rack...
It's 1pm and all is well. (for now)


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