Monday, September 19, 2005

Rita is comming!!!

Well from one day to the next another hurricane has formed. I left Houston on Sunday morning and i hadn't heard anything except about Katrina. Well this morning on CNN all i'm hearing about is Rita. I get in from the conference I'm attending and it's projected to hit Galveston, which is about 40 miles or so south of where I live.
When Katrina hit i was on my way to Dallas and i spent two weeks almost, watching it unfold.
Now it's either going to miss us or I'm going to be comming home in the midst of the landfall on Friday night.
If it hits sooner than friday I'm going to commandeer the Rental I've got and drive home anyway... Too many family members down there to not try to head back. It's like a 22 hour drive from Vail to Houston.
More on this later as drama develops...


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