Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Holy Crap!

It's been a long time since I posted anything....
Lets see, I've been working and um... working.
I gave up on the truck puter project for now, instead I bought a Onmi-Fi DMP1 from W00T! a while back. I had it installed and they did a pretty crappy job at Fry's. Some kid that was still in training did it. What sucks is he did a better job than I could have, but for the money I paid, I was pretty disappointed. I'll have to post pics soon. (by the way, go check out the unofficial "wooters with hooters" contest we are having. It's on my website.
It's pretty cool, it is basically a 20 gig notebook hard drive mounted inside a box that runs Linux.
I can upload my music via USB cable or plug in a USB wi fi adapter and synch my music while I sleep.
I went up to Dallas a few weeks ago for work, nothing exciting there... I did go out with my buddy Duster to a cool bar. Had a little teen age waitress that was one of those "cute but rough" looking things. She had a pierced tongue, tight jeans and was real friendly. Yeah, she got a good tip, LOL.
The week before that I went up to visit my Sister in Hershey, PA. We had a real nice time but the weather sucked. It was about 10 degrees colder than the weather channel had predicted, so I didn't take a good selection of clothes. I had also bout a remote control T-Rex dino for my nephew. I think it went over pretty good. He's a big dinosaur geek but lately he's discovered star wars so his Star War's lego's won out most of the weekend.

This weekend is "network the house" weekend.
I plan on crawling up into the attic and dropping down CAT cables and putting in faceplates all over the house. It should turn out pretty damn cool.
I have a 16 port switch that was hot off a truck at one point. I bought it from a guy for $20 and it works like a charm. It is going into the old water heater closet in the hallway. Yes, Pics will be posted of that too.
Ok, time to get back to work.


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