Thursday, May 19, 2005

Damn Users!!!

Ok, so I'm feeling good as I helped a guest up in the lounge connect to our wireless hotspot up on the 2nd floor. I'm comming downstairs when one of the gal's at the desk mentions that she cant get to any of her forms, that it keeps telling her to delete the shortcut.
I'm like... "huh? Whatchu talkin bout, Willis?!" (OK, her name is Lorena)
So I go look at this shortcut on the desktop that mapes to a shared drive on the server. It's where everyone puts everything that everyone MIGHT need as long as it's not confidential.
Everything is gone, except a folder called Access. EEEEEK!
Now, I'm thinking... Hmm, I cleaned up MP3's off the server, I cleaned up all the goofy assed movies people save from thier E-Mails... but surely I didn't delete important crap off the shared drive!
Ok, I might have, but I honestly dont think so. I was scavenging the /user directories, not the /shared drive. Could I have been that careless?
Well the last time I had to get into the backup software (Veritas Backup exec) was about 6 months ago when I was having issues with backups not working. I went in, hit restore, found the folders to restore and 5 minutes later everything is hunky dory, as long as they didn't put any crap there since 11 pm last night, lol.
The point of this is... Am I that careless or old and forgetfull? Nope, someone else did it!
I sure as hell wouldn't be that stupid!
Damn Users!


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