Friday, May 20, 2005

Dallas Bound, Again...

Great, just when I thought I was going to be able to hang out all weekend, the guest network at the Dallas Hotel is freaking out.
Since Monday, I've been getting calls about the 2nd floor acting up... People loosing signal strength, not getting IP address's issued, etc.
Yesterday it went haywire, and we had one of the VP's of Disney staying with us. I called and damn near blew my top at the "Tier 1" support guy... They escalated the call but no one would call back, after 3 calls in the afternoon.
My boss called and threatened to cxl the contract and guess what? The Mo' Fo's called back. (note to self... Money talks) LOL
So now I'll be up there Sunday night and plan on spending all week there until it's resolved. Our ISP for the guests are sending their top technician out here to figure out and fix the problem.


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